Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Clarification Text and Policy on Processing and Protection of Personal Data
You can create new documents, search and view existing documents with Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University EBYS.
You will also be able to connect to eduroam networks in different universities with your account.
A single user name and single password application was introduced for the online services offered by our university.
Our university's website has become more modern, faster and safer by using the latest technologies and has been put into use.
Support requests will now be received online from the support portal at "".
Office 365, which is cloud-based services, has been put into service within our university.
We have installed state-of-the-art camera systems at our university so that our staff and students can spend time in safer environments.
We have compiled frequently asked questions about the services offered by our Department for our users.